Getting Good at Saying Goodbye – Snippets of Iceland, 2019
Photopolymer Intaglio
Clam shell box: W4 7/8” x L4 7/8”x D2 5/16
Living away from my home country, I have been overwhelmed with home-sickness for decades. Missing my family, my native tongue and familiar surroundings took a toll on my daily life. It has taken me a long, long time to work my way past these feelings and allow myself to be in the moment wherever I am. However, Iceland is vivid in my mind and I find that I turn to the beauty and ruggedness of its nature in my art.
The images were printed at Zea Mays Printmaking Studio, Florence, Massachusetts by the artist in 2019. This unique book and portfolio case are created from photographs by the artist, printed with polymergravure technique on Revere Fine Art paper.